Women Belgrade Builders at the New Technologies in Education Conference

The topic “Women Belgrade Builders – Project without a deadline” will be presented by Katarina Aleksić, Milena Zindović and Verica Arula at the New Technologies in Education 2016. Conference, which will take place in Belgrade on 26 and 27 February .

Women Belgrade Builders are part of the Women in Architecture in initiative since  2013, when Milena Zindović, architect and Katarina Aleksić, informatics teacher at  Elementary School “Branislav Nušić” from Belgrade, created a project for children’s workshops as part of activities to promote and encourage women in architecture, as well as architectural values in general. Conceived as a research and part of the children’s Informatics course, this project aims to present the cultural heritage and Belgrade architecture to the pupils and introduce them to the historic development of women’s rights in Serbian society, and all this through the use of information techologies and achievement of computer literacy. You can follow the project’s course on its own blog (in Serbian).

During the first series of workshops, held in the beginning of 2014, sixth grade pupils of Elementary School “Branislav Nušić” worked in groups to research topics such as the life and work of some of the women of Serbian architectural history, their built work in Belgrade downtown, architecture as a profession, as well as the position of women in Serbian society from 19th century until today. Through photographs, videos, drawings and Web 2.0 tools such as info graphics, timelines and interactive maps, pupils presented their research and work. The first series of workshops ended with a walk through Belgrade downtown, which allowed pupils to visit the buildings – works of women architects and present the results of their work to their peers at the actual sites.

During the ninth Belgrade International Architecture Week, held in May 2014, the workshop took place on two occasions, adapted to the Conference topic and a shorter format. This time the children from other Belgrade elementary schools got the chance to participate. At the tenth BINA in 2015, workshop Women Belgrade Builders was also part of the conference program and children were invited to present their creative work and win a prize.

Women Belgrade Builders are a project which changes, evolves and improves with every new workshop and participant. It is still ongoing because we believe that developing at an early age the conscience of architectural values of buildings and the need for their protection will contribute to a better future our cities.

The New Technologies in Education conference and fair aim to raise awareness of the significance of using new technologies in education. The event will be held at Belexpocentar in Belgrade, Serbia, on 26 and 27 February 2016. The event is organized by British Council in partnership with the British Embassy in Belgrade, the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit (Serbian Government), the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and TelecommunicationsCenter for the Promotion of Science, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, The Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities and other partners.


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