The 20th Salon and Days of Architecture in Novi Sad opened on Friday 03 June 2016 in the amazing space of the restaurant of the Novi Sad Railway Station. This year’s Architecture Salon in Novi Sad is an international exhibition with the topic “Rewiring”. The book Women in Architecture | Contemporary architecture in Serbia since 1900 is exhibited at the Salon in the Publications category.
At the Salon opening, in international competition, the Acknowledgment of the Architecture Salon in Novi Sad in the Publications category was given to Milena Zindović, editor, for the book “Women in Architecture | Contemporary architecture in Serbia since 1990.” We hereby thank the Jury of the 20th Architecture Salon in Novi Sad for this acknowledgment and the support for the project of bringing women’s work in architecture into light.
The 20th Salon and Days of Architecture in Novi Sad will be open until June 12 in the Novi Sad Railway Station building.